We cannot guarantee that these questions are either frequently asked, or even frequently answered. We can guarantee that this is a great great place to start if you want to know more about CYCM, its's main aims and methods. If the information you require isn't included below, or you just want more details on any aspect of our work, please contact us using the form provided on the contact section of the website.
What is a Clan?
Clan is the collective term used to describe the members of CYCM attached to a specific church. For example the leaders and and young people within CYCM attached to Anytown Baptist Church would be referred to as Anytown Baptist Clan. In addition the different sections (age groups) within this clan would also be referred to as a Clan. For example the Eagles within Anytown Baptist would be referred to as Anytown Baptist Eagles Clan.
Clan is the collective term used to describe the members of CYCM attached to a specific church. For example the leaders and and young people within CYCM attached to Anytown Baptist Church would be referred to as Anytown Baptist Clan. In addition the different sections (age groups) within this clan would also be referred to as a Clan. For example the Eagles within Anytown Baptist would be referred to as Anytown Baptist Eagles Clan.
What is a Clansman?
A Clansman is a young person between the ages of 4 years and 18 years who is a member of a Campaigner Clan attached to a local church.
A Clansman is a young person between the ages of 4 years and 18 years who is a member of a Campaigner Clan attached to a local church.
What is a Chaplin?
A Chaplain is the Minister or Elder of the Church who has ruling authority over the local Clan, and has signed the registration form indicating agreement with the principles and methods of CYCM
A Chaplain is the Minister or Elder of the Church who has ruling authority over the local Clan, and has signed the registration form indicating agreement with the principles and methods of CYCM
What is a Chief?
A Chief is a Campaigner leader over the age of 18 years. They are nominated by the local Chaplain and must be committed Christians and regular attenders at the Church to which the Campaigner Clan is attached. Chiefs must complete a training course developed and delivered by CYCM, have Access NI clearance and must sign the Chief’s Declaration of Faith Form.
A Chief is a Campaigner leader over the age of 18 years. They are nominated by the local Chaplain and must be committed Christians and regular attenders at the Church to which the Campaigner Clan is attached. Chiefs must complete a training course developed and delivered by CYCM, have Access NI clearance and must sign the Chief’s Declaration of Faith Form.
What is an Assistant Leader?
An Assistant Leader is a committed Christian over the age of 18 years, and regular attender at the Church. They have been approved by the Chaplain, Chief -in-Charge and Centre Co-ordinator to assist in the running of the Clan. This person must have Access NI clearance although they will not have completed full CYCM Training.
An Assistant Leader is a committed Christian over the age of 18 years, and regular attender at the Church. They have been approved by the Chaplain, Chief -in-Charge and Centre Co-ordinator to assist in the running of the Clan. This person must have Access NI clearance although they will not have completed full CYCM Training.
What is a Centre?
A Centre is the Church which hosts the Campaigner Clan.
A Centre is the Church which hosts the Campaigner Clan.
What are the Eagles?
The Eagles are the youngest section of a Campaigner Clan. Clansmen in this section are between age 4yrs and Primary 2.
The Eagles are the youngest section of a Campaigner Clan. Clansmen in this section are between age 4yrs and Primary 2.
What are the Junos?
The Junos are the second section of a Campaigner Clan. Clansmen in this section are between Primary 3 and Primary 6.
The Junos are the second section of a Campaigner Clan. Clansmen in this section are between Primary 3 and Primary 6.
What are the Inters?
The Inters are the third section of a Campaigner Clan. Clansmen in this section are between Primary 7 and Year 9.
The Inters are the third section of a Campaigner Clan. Clansmen in this section are between Primary 7 and Year 9.
What are the Craftsmen?
The Craftsmen are the oldest section of a Campaigner Clan. Clansmen in this section are between Year 10 and Age 18.
The Craftsmen are the oldest section of a Campaigner Clan. Clansmen in this section are between Year 10 and Age 18.
What is the Aims of CYCM?
CYCM has four main aims – To develop in young people a personal faith in Jesus Christ, to encourage them to grow in that faith, to encourage them to witness by thoroughness in all that they do and to encourage church membership.
CYCM has four main aims – To develop in young people a personal faith in Jesus Christ, to encourage them to grow in that faith, to encourage them to witness by thoroughness in all that they do and to encourage church membership.
What is the CYCM Statement of Faith?
We believe in the divine inspiration of Holy Scripture (the book of both the Old and New Testaments) and its subsequent entire trustworthiness and supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
We believe in the Trinity – that the Godhead exists co-equally and co-eternally in three persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – and that these three are one God, sovereign in creation, providence, revelation, regeneration, redemption and final judgement.
We believe in the true Deity and real humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ; His incarnation and virgin birth; His sinless life; the all-sufficiency of His atoning death; His bodily resurrection and ascension; His ongoing intercessory work on behalf of the believer and His coming again.
We believe that all humanity is by nature dead in sin; that God in His mercy calls us to repentance; that through grace we obey that call and only in doing so we are, by faith alone, justified freely because of the finished work of Christ; that we become children of God through adoption, to be transformed into Christ’s image to walk in good works until we are taken home to glory where we will be perfected.
We believe that the death of the Lord Jesus Christ was perfect, complete, once for all time, never to be repeated, substitutionary sacrifice for the sins of His people and that He is the only Priest and Mediator between God and man.
We believe that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone and cannot be received through merely observing the sacraments of any church. There is no Biblical warrant for the mechanical conveyance of grace through any sacrament.
We believe in the one invisible church of Christ which consists of all who are born again of the Spirit of God and in the priesthood of all believers, who from the universal Church, the Body of which Christ is the sole Head and which is committed by His command to the proclamation of the Gospel throughout the world.
We believe that the child of God is called to an ongoing life of witness to the Lord Jesus Christ and to a humble following of Him in daily life.
We believe in the personal, physical and visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ to reign in power and glory.
We believe in the resurrection of the dead and in the final judgement of the world, the eternal conscious bliss of those who know and acknowledge Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord and the eternal conscious punishment of those who reject His salvation and Lordship.
We believe in the divine inspiration of Holy Scripture (the book of both the Old and New Testaments) and its subsequent entire trustworthiness and supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
We believe in the Trinity – that the Godhead exists co-equally and co-eternally in three persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – and that these three are one God, sovereign in creation, providence, revelation, regeneration, redemption and final judgement.
We believe in the true Deity and real humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ; His incarnation and virgin birth; His sinless life; the all-sufficiency of His atoning death; His bodily resurrection and ascension; His ongoing intercessory work on behalf of the believer and His coming again.
We believe that all humanity is by nature dead in sin; that God in His mercy calls us to repentance; that through grace we obey that call and only in doing so we are, by faith alone, justified freely because of the finished work of Christ; that we become children of God through adoption, to be transformed into Christ’s image to walk in good works until we are taken home to glory where we will be perfected.
We believe that the death of the Lord Jesus Christ was perfect, complete, once for all time, never to be repeated, substitutionary sacrifice for the sins of His people and that He is the only Priest and Mediator between God and man.
We believe that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone and cannot be received through merely observing the sacraments of any church. There is no Biblical warrant for the mechanical conveyance of grace through any sacrament.
We believe in the one invisible church of Christ which consists of all who are born again of the Spirit of God and in the priesthood of all believers, who from the universal Church, the Body of which Christ is the sole Head and which is committed by His command to the proclamation of the Gospel throughout the world.
We believe that the child of God is called to an ongoing life of witness to the Lord Jesus Christ and to a humble following of Him in daily life.
We believe in the personal, physical and visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ to reign in power and glory.
We believe in the resurrection of the dead and in the final judgement of the world, the eternal conscious bliss of those who know and acknowledge Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord and the eternal conscious punishment of those who reject His salvation and Lordship.
What Churches can host a Clan?
CYCM is an interdenominational organisation. A Clan may be formed in any place of worship where the Chaplain and oversight agree with the Aims, the Statement of Faith, the principles and methods of CYCM.
CYCM is an interdenominational organisation. A Clan may be formed in any place of worship where the Chaplain and oversight agree with the Aims, the Statement of Faith, the principles and methods of CYCM.
What is the CYCM attitude to Sunday?
Campaigners believe that Sunday is the Lord’s Day and should therefore be kept separate from the rest of the week as a day of worship and witness to the truths of the Gospel. This belief should be taught to the Clansmen and they should be encouraged to attend Sunday worship.
Campaigners believe that Sunday is the Lord’s Day and should therefore be kept separate from the rest of the week as a day of worship and witness to the truths of the Gospel. This belief should be taught to the Clansmen and they should be encouraged to attend Sunday worship.
What is CYCM Council?
Campaigners Youth & Children’s Ministry (NI), CYCM, is a registered Company Limited by Guarantee with Charity status. The leadership of the organization rests with the CYCM Council whose function is to formulate and implement policies which will achieve the aims of the organization. This encompasses the spiritual, financial and practical direction of CYCM.
The Council consists of a Chairman, Chaplains, Regional Chief and a number of Senior Chiefs, as well as other experienced specialist members. The members reflect the denominational mix of the Clans attached to the movement. Appointments will be reviewed every three years with a number of members being replaced at that time.
Campaigners Youth & Children’s Ministry (NI), CYCM, is a registered Company Limited by Guarantee with Charity status. The leadership of the organization rests with the CYCM Council whose function is to formulate and implement policies which will achieve the aims of the organization. This encompasses the spiritual, financial and practical direction of CYCM.
The Council consists of a Chairman, Chaplains, Regional Chief and a number of Senior Chiefs, as well as other experienced specialist members. The members reflect the denominational mix of the Clans attached to the movement. Appointments will be reviewed every three years with a number of members being replaced at that time.
What is the Regional Chief?
The Regional Chief is the most senior Chief in CYCM and has overall charge of the movement. He is responsible for overseeing the implementation of CYCM policies. The current Regional Chief is Mr Hugh Kerr who is a member of Ballymena Elim Church.
The Regional Chief is the most senior Chief in CYCM and has overall charge of the movement. He is responsible for overseeing the implementation of CYCM policies. The current Regional Chief is Mr Hugh Kerr who is a member of Ballymena Elim Church.
What is the district Chief?
Northern Ireland is divided up into a number of geographical districts. Each District is normally headed by a District Chief who may be supported by Assistant District Chiefs. District Chiefs are appointed by the Council on the recommendation of the Regional Chief. District Chiefs are the first point of contact for help and advice in local matters.
Northern Ireland is divided up into a number of geographical districts. Each District is normally headed by a District Chief who may be supported by Assistant District Chiefs. District Chiefs are appointed by the Council on the recommendation of the Regional Chief. District Chiefs are the first point of contact for help and advice in local matters.
What is the CYCM Moto?
The Campaigner motto is, “Unto Him”, Campaigners are taught to apply this to all aspects of life – to do everything unto Jesus Christ.
The Campaigner motto is, “Unto Him”, Campaigners are taught to apply this to all aspects of life – to do everything unto Jesus Christ.
What is the CYCM Password?
The Campaigner password is, “Through and Through”, Campaigners are taught to apply this to all aspects of life – to be thorough in everything they do.
The Campaigner password is, “Through and Through”, Campaigners are taught to apply this to all aspects of life – to be thorough in everything they do.
What is an Eagle?
An Eagle is a member of the youngest section in Campaigners. Children in this section of the organisation range from 4 years of age to the end of Primary 2.
An Eagle is a member of the youngest section in Campaigners. Children in this section of the organisation range from 4 years of age to the end of Primary 2.
What is a Juno?
A Juno is a member of the second section in Campaigners. Children in this section of the organisation range from Primary 3 to the end of Primary 6.
A Juno is a member of the second section in Campaigners. Children in this section of the organisation range from Primary 3 to the end of Primary 6.
What is an Inter?
An Inter is a member of the third section in Campaigners. Children in this section of the organisation range from primary 7 to year 9 in school.
An Inter is a member of the third section in Campaigners. Children in this section of the organisation range from primary 7 to year 9 in school.
What is a Craftman?
A Craftsman is a member of the oldest section in Campaigners. Young people in this section of the organisation range from school year 10 to 18 years of age.
A Craftsman is a member of the oldest section in Campaigners. Young people in this section of the organisation range from school year 10 to 18 years of age.